
NC, Congress dub Altaf Bukhari’s Apni Party as ‘Delhi’s party’

Fayaz Wani

SRINAGAR: Apni Party, the new political outfit was floated by former PDP leader and minister Altaf Bukhari on Sunday has been labelled as ‘Delhi’s party’ and ‘BJP’s B-team’ by National Conference (NC), Congress and PDP.

However, the BJP, which is reportedly backing the ‘Apni Party’, has welcomed the launch of the new outfit.

NC spokesman Imran Nabi Dar said the way things are unfolding in J&K, it is pretty clear that Centre in connivance with few are contriving to prop up yet another formation to serve its interests at cost of democracy and political probity.

“They want to fill the political vacuum of Kashmir with those who parrot what Delhi wants them to. It is, therefore, safe to call this new formation as Delhi’s party and nothing else,” he said.

Dar said it is becoming clear that continued detention of legitimate political voices is not about law and order but purely is political in nature. 

J&K Congress chief Ghulam Ahmad Mir also termed “Apni Party” as “offshoot of the saffron party”.

He said political class of J&K is well aware as how different quarters and government machinery was used to press some mainstream leaders to join the new formation.

Bukhari had said Apni Party sole purpose is of carrying out development in Jammu and Kashmir. Several new members of the party who quit different parties like Usaman Majeed, Dilawar Mir, Javid Baig, and others were also present at the launch.