
Police checks CCTV footage to trace molester who pushed woman off moving car in Kolkata

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KOLKATA: The police on Monday said that they are checking CCTV footage to find out the man allegedly involved in molesting and pushing a woman off a moving car which also hit another woman who, along with her husband, tried to stop the vehicle on hearing screams in Anandapur area of Kolkata.

CCTV footage of nearby areas are being checked to identify the high-end car involved in the incidents which took place late on Saturday night, an officer of the city police force said.

To locate him, the police are also scanning social networking platforms used by the accused.

All call details, WhatsApp chat and photographs have been deleted from the victim's mobile phone which the police have recovered from the spot where she was pushed off the car, he said.

The victim is known to the man and they had dinner in a restaurant before the incident that night.

"We have zeroed in on a few vehicles similar to the one which was caught speeding down the road on CCTV footage from nearby locations. But since the (registration) number could not be understood properly, it is becoming difficult to identify it," the officer said.

He said that call details of the victim were sought from the service provider and "once we have it, we will be able to trace the accused".

"The victim said that they had dinner together that night and after that, they were roaming around in the car when he molested her. Our probe is on and hopefully, we will soon be able to arrest him," he added.

Meanwhile, Nilanjana Chatterjee, the woman who was injured while trying to stop the offending vehicle from fleeing, underwent surgery at a hospital.

The incident happened on Saturday night in the eastern part of the city's Anandapur area when the man allegedly molested the victim and she raised an alarm.

Chatterjee and her husband, who were leaving a housing complex in the area, tried to stop the vehicle on hearing the victim's scream.