
Madhya Pradesh government transfers collector, SP of flood-hit Sheopur after locals mob Union minister

Anuraag Singh

BHOPAL: A day after Union agriculture minister and local BJP MP Narendra Singh Tomar faced massive protest by local residents during his visit to flood-hit Sheopur district of Madhya Pradesh, three senior officials, including Sheopur district collector were transfered to Bhopal. 

Collector Rakesh Kumar Srivastava, police superintendent Sampat Upadhyaya and chief municipal officer (CMO) Mini Agrawal were shunted to state capital Bhopal on Sunday. 

Meanwhile, Union civil aviation minister Jyotiraditya Scindia has begun his tour of the affected areas. 

After reaching Gwalior on Saturday night, Scindia immediately met minister in-charge Tulsi Silawat and senior officers at the command and control center to take stock of the situation.

Taking potshots at former chief minister Kamal Nath for conducting aerial survey of the flood-hit Gwalior-Chambal region, Scindia said “aerial survey alone cannot reveal real picture on the ground. One needs to put his foot on ground to know about real picture and pains of people, which he (Nath) failed to do.”

“The ground situation is more important than aerial surveys and that is why wherever I undertake such surveys, I make it sure to visit those places on the ground as well to assess the actual problems being faced by the people,” he said. 

On Sunday, the MP chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan reviewed the relief and rehabilitation works in flood-hit districts of Gwalior-Chambal region through video conferencing, with special focus on Sheopur district. Union minister Tomar was part of the review meeting.