
Ruckus in Rajya Sabha direct consequence of govt's mischievous strategy of dividing Opposition: Congress


NEW DELHI: The Congress on Tuesday said the pandemonium in the Rajya Sabha is a direct consequence of the "mischievous" strategy of the government to divide the Opposition by not allowing a discussion on a repeal of three farm laws.

Congress leader Jairam Ramesh said the Opposition members wanted a discussion on a repeal of the three laws and the ongoing farmers' agitation, but the government listed a discussion on the problems facing the farm sector instead.

"Tuesday's pandemonium in the Rajya Sabha is a direct consequence of the mischievous strategy of the government to divide the Opposition and its refusal to discuss the repeal of the three farm laws and the ongoing agitation of farmers," he said.

The former Union minister said a bill to privatise the General Insurance Corporation (GIC) will be taken up in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday.

"All opposition parties, including those friendly to the (ruing) BJP, want it referred to a select committee. But the government is adamantly refusing," he added.

The Rajya Sabha witnessed uproarious scenes on Tuesday after Opposition members protested the taking up of a discussion on farmers' problems.

Some Opposition members climbed atop the table occupied by Rajya Sabha officials in the Well, with one of them throwing the official file at the chair soon after the House was adjourned.