
Doctor beaten up after COVID-19 patient's death in Maharashtra, four held


LATUR: A doctor was allegedly attacked by four persons after the father of their friend died while undergoing treatment against coronavirus at a government hospital in Latur city of Maharashtra, police said on Sunday.

The incident occurred at Vilasrao Deshmukh Government Medical Sciences Institute during the intervening night of Saturday and Sunday, they said.

The four accused, identified as Shubham Dilip Nakade (25), Shriniwas Govindrao Dhobe (25), Akash Pramod Shete (20), Namdev Hanumant Shinde (29), have been arrested, police sub-inspector Kiran Pathare said.

"The accused used abusive language against Dr Amit Varma (24) and thrashed him alleging that he didn't treat their friend's father properly," he said, adding that the doctor did not suffer any serious injury in the incident.

Based on the complaint lodged by the doctor, a case was registered against the four accused at Gandhi Chowk police station under IPC sections 353 (assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty), 332 (voluntarily causing hurt), 504 (intentional insult), and arrested them.