
Have turned my govt bungalow into COVID care centre, says Bihar opposition leader Tejashwi

Rajesh Kumar Thakur

PATNA: Bihar's Leader of the Opposition Tejashwi Yadav on Wednesday said he has turned his official government residence at 1-Polo Road in Patna into a full-fleged COVID Care Centre from his own legislator fund.

Sharing the information with the media, Tejashwi Yadav said he took the decision as people are struggling to get beds and oxygen in government hospitals in Patna after testing positive for COVID-19.

Offering it to the state government, he said the beds at the residence, located at Polo Road, have oxygen facilities and medicines.

"This centre at my residence has beds and all other facilities made available by me from my legislator fund. Now, I appeal to the government to take it over as an isolation ward and quarantine centre," he said.

"Not only this, as a responsible opposition, we are ready to support whatever arrangements are needed for the treatment of patients," he said.

He also said that had had written to the government several times about it, but so far no response was received.