
Sadhu Vijay Das death: BJP fact-finding team submits report

Rajesh Kumar Thakur

NEW DELHI: The BJP on Wednesday claimed that the report, submitted by the party's special fact-finding team on the incident of self-immolation by Sadhu Vijay Das in Rajasthan on Wednesday, claimed that the dismal state of affairs in the Congress-ruled state prevails.

Arun Singh-national general secretary and Rajashthan party in-charge, quoting details from the report said the mining Mafia raj is rampant in Rajasthan. "All this illegal mining is going unabated under the patronage of the Rajasthan government in which the involvement of a minister of Rajasthan government has been alleged by locals," Singh alleged.

Extending support to the demand of a probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into the heart-wrenching incident of self-immolation by Sadhu, Singh alleged the Rajasthan government does not want a probe by CBI into the incident.

"Sadhu Vijay Das had alerted the Rajasthan government before committing self-immolation but the Gehlot government did not take his alert seriously. Rather, the ministers of the Rajashthan government were frequenting Vijay Das and making fun of him," Singh alleged.

The BJP leader on the basis of the report of the party's fact-finding team, further alleged that a minister of the Rajasthan government is directly involved in the illegal mining.

"When the team members visited the place of occurrence, where Vijay Das self-immolated himself, a horrible scene was seen. And the villagers of adjoining areas are extremely angered against the incident", he said. On July 20, Vijay Das committed self-immolation and succumbed to burn injuries on July 23.