
IT Raid on HDCC Bank Hassan

BR Udaya Kumar

HASSAN: Eight members team of the IT department have raided the Hassan district Cooperative Central bank (HDCC) here.

The IT officials from Tamilnadu and Goa began the search operation on Thursday morning and continued on Friday. The Bank was closed for two days following the search. The official attached to HDCC bank on Thursday said that IT officials visited the Bank to verify the books of Accounts and statistics which is a routine process.  

Interestingly HDCC bank is ruled and controlled by JDS leaders. IT raids against HDCC Bank are the first of their kind in the history of Hassan. Over 35 police in different capacities were deployed in and around the bank for security purposes.

The IT officials have searched the safe lockers and books of accounts and reportedly seized the vital documents on Saturday. No IT official was available for comment in this regard.