
Maharashtra drought: Worried Eknath Shinde seeks action report

Sudhir Suryawanshi

MUMBAI: After Maharashtra reported over 20 per cent deficit in live water storage in reservoirs on August 23, chief minister Eknath Shinde has asked the administration to undertake measures to mitigate the drought and submit a detailed plan as well.  

As per state agriculture departments, 89 per cent sowing and plantation in Kharif season has been reported this year against 122.8 per cent sowing that was reported last year. In Maharashtra, local administration has started supplying 351 drinking water tankers to 329 villages, and 1,273 hamlets.

“There are six districts in Maharashtra that have received more than 100 per cent rainfall this year while 13 districts have received 75 per cent to 100 per cent rainfall, About 15 districts got 50 per cent to 75 per cent rainfall and 13 other districts received 25 per cent to 50 per cent rainfall in state,” reads the the agriculture department report. 

Shinde asked the agriculture and revenue department to prepare the drought mitigations plan — identifying the drought prone areas and issues of these areas. Besides, he also asked to check the places drinking water tankers should be provided and fodder camp for animals has to also begin. The micro and meticulous planning has to be carried out to mitigate the drought. 

As per state Water resource department, there is over 20 per cent deficit in live water storage in reservoirs in all major dams. This is year, there is. 70.57 per cent live water storage in all major dams of the state against 90.56 per cent. 

Marathwada region has reported the highest deficit in live water storage that is 48 per cent. Jayakwadi is one of the biggest dam in Marathwada that is reported 65 per cent live water storage deficit. In this dam, this year only 33 per cent live water storage has been reported against 98 per cent storage last year.  

Interestingly, Konkan, including Mumbai region is the only region that has surplus live water storage in its reservoirs. This year, in Konkan, the total live water storage in reservoirs is 92 per cent against 90 per cent last year. The dams that supply drinking water to Mumbai also have sufficient water in its live storage.

These dams include Bhatsa — 90 per cent live water storage against 97 per cent last year. While in Tansa dam, there is 99 per cent water storage against 98 per cent live water storage last year.  The Modak Sagar has also got 99 per cent live water storage this year and same number remained last year in the reservoir during this period.