
Khalistan rallies: India pins safety hopes on hosts

Yeshi Seli

NEW DELHI: The Indian government will be on tenterhooks on July 8, the day Khalistani supporters have called for rallies across Canada, US, UK and Australia. It is not just the rallies that are of concern to the government, but also the photographs of Indian diplomats that have been displayed as potential targets.
India has been particularly concerned about the incidents that have been allowed to happen in Canada – from vandalising the consulates to taking out tableaus hailing the assassination of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The threat to Indian diplomats and the rally dates on posters first appeared in Canada and followed all over.

“Posters inciting violence against our diplomats are unacceptable,’’ said Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi on Thursday. External Affairs Minister, Dr Jaishankar, too has oft repeated that vote bank politics is one of the possible reasons for Canada to permit such things to take place in their soil.

Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday was on the defensive. “We have always taken serious action against terrorism and we always will. We have an extremely diverse country and freedom of expression is something we have. We always make sure we are pushing back against violence and extremism in all forms,’’ Trudeau said.

Earlier on Thursday, British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly assured that they would do everything to protect the Indian High Commission in London. “Any direct attacks on the Indian High Commission in London are completely unacceptable. We have made it clear to India’s High Commissioner to London, Vikram Doraiswami, and the Government of India that the safety of the staff at the High Commission is paramount,’’ said Cleverly. Britain is not taking any chances after the Indian flag was brought down at the Indian High Commission in London earlier.

In the US, where the Indian consulate at San Francisco was attempted to be burnt, the US government was quick to react and oppose it.

“The US strongly condemns the reported vandalism and attempted arson against the Indian consulate in San Francisco on Saturday. Vandalism or violence against diplomatic facilities or foreign diplomats in the US is a criminal offence,” said US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.

India has been assured of support in Australia too. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has assured India of strict action against Khalistanis. Under the Geneva Convention, all diplomatic missions and their staff have to be taken care of by the host country. India is optimistic the Khalistani supporters are reigned in and do not resort to violence.