
Uttarakhand: Now 74 weather stations will sense the danger of avalanche in advance

Narendra Sethi

DEHRADUN: Taking lessons from past avalanche disasters, the Uttarakhand government will be setting up 74 weather stations in the state, which will warn the people in advance about the possibility of avalanches.

Backed by the Central government, the Chandigarh-based Defence Geoinformatics Research Establishment (DGRE) will set up the weather stations in the high Himalayan regions of the state. Taking a cue from the avalanche incident in Uttarkashi, the state government decided to set up weather stations in remote and border areas of the Himalayas.

Speaking to the TNIE, Dr Ranjit Kumar Sinha, state secretary, of disaster management and rehabilitation said, “The entire cost of the project will be borne by the Central government, which will provide state-of-the-art engineering solutions to ensure safe movement in these areas, with a focus on avalanches and landslides as soon as it becomes operational”.

Due to climate change, the incidents of avalanches have increased in Uttarakhand in the last few years.