
Gazan exodus begins after Israel orders 1.1 mn civilian evacuation

Express News Service

Indicating its ground offensive against Hamas militants was about to take off, Israel on Friday ordered more than 11 lakh civilians living in northern Gaza to move to the south within 24 hours. Later in the day, Israeli forces said they had carried out localised raids in multiple areas in Gaza.

Hours after the order, thousands of scared Palestinians began moving to the south with their possessions by whatever means possible — cars, trucks or donkey carts. Others hesitated to leave, fearing nowhere was safe. Gaza continues to be sealed off from food, water and medical supplies and is under a total power blackout.

The UN sharply criticised the evacuation order, which covers Gaza City, the biggest urban centre in the Gaza Strip. It said the human displacement would be calamitous and urged Israel to reverse the order. It also warned that such an evacuation would lead to Gaza’s entire population cramming into roughly the southern half of the 40-km-long strip.

The US, which promised unwavering support to Israel in its operation against Hamas, also shared its concerns. “It’s a million people, and it’s a very urban, dense environment. It’s already a combat zone,” US National Security Council Spokesperson John Kirby said.  

Hamas, which has in the past been accused of using civilians as human shields, asked the Gaza residents to stay put, saying the Israeli order was a ploy to divide Gaza. “Hold onto your land,” it urged the people. As per Israeli officials, the aim of the looming ground offensive is dismantling Hamas’ terror infrastructure, much of which is buried underground. Hamas staged a surprise attack on Israel last Saturday with its fighters crossing the border and killing some 1,300 Israelis.

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