
Paddy cultivation to get a boost in rice bowl of Odisha

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BARGARH : The District Agricultural Strategy Committee (DASC) has set a target to increase production of crops, including paddy, during the ensuing rabi season in Bargarh district, which is also known as the rice bowl of the State.

The DASC has planned to grow different crops, including paddy, pulses, oilseeds, vegetable, condiments and sugarcane on 1,22,720 hectares during the ensuing rabi season 2016-2017 in the district. During the rabi season 2015-16, crops were grown on 1,18,130 hectares.

As per reports, paddy will be cultivated on 51,300 hectares    with a target of 3, 22,677 tonne during the upcoming rabi season. The paddy production target was 3, 20,625 tonne on 51,300 hectares during the last rabi season.

Likewise, wheat and maize will be cultivated on 420 hectares with a target of 2,539 tonne. The target was 2,509 tonne on 420 hectares last year.

Besides, oilseeds, including groundnut, sesame, mustard and sunflower will be cultivated on 13,620 hectares with a production target of 19,650 tonne. The target was 16,321 tonne on 10,684 hectares during the last rabi season. This apart, cultivation of vegetable, including potato, sweet potato and onion has been planned on 28,890 hectares with a target to produce 3,96,995 tonne this season.

Moreover, condiments including chilli, garlic and coriander will be cultivated on 4,800 hectares with a target of  36,142 tonne this season. 

The DASC has also planned to grow sugarcane on 1,350 hectares with a production target of 76,950 tonne. However, area of pulses cultivation has been reduced during this rabi season.

Pulses, including gram, moong, biri, kulthi, field pea and  cowpea will be cultivated on 22,340 hectares with a production target of 12,113 tonne during this rabi season.
Deputy Director of Agriculture, Bargarh, Naba Kishore Das said they have planned to increase paddy production besides other crops during the ensuing rabi season. 
Deficit rainfall in pulses-growing area of the district has impacted residual moisture status and will affect cultivation of pulses this season, he added.