
On hunger strike for clean beach, sand sculptor hospitalised

From our online archive

BHUBANESWAR: Acclaimed sand sculptor Sudarshan Patnaik, who was on a hunger strike demanding attention to beach pollution at Puri, was hospitalised on Thursday after his condition deteriorated. Patnaik was rushed to Bhubaneswar where he is admitted to a private hospital. He is under observation.

A cultural ambassador of the State, Patnaik had launched the strike two days back protesting pollution at Banki Muhan beach in Puri. He had, in fact, warned the State Government of a strike if no action was taken to clean the beach and stop polluting units release effluents. While Patnaik had posted on Twitter about his proposed dharna, the Chief Minister’s Office had directed that necessary measures will be taken to keep the beach pollution free. But, with no action initiated, Patnaik created a symbolic sand art about his protest and went on hunger strike from Tuesday. While he received support for anti-pollution cause on the social media as his Twitter posts went viral, the local administration showed no urgency.
Meanwhile, after he was hospitalised, the civic authorities have assured to clean the beach as soon as possible.