
Cops rule out game link in suicide bid

From our online archive

JAIPUR: Police on Thursday ruled out the deadly Blue Whale game angle in the alleged suicide attempt of a Class X boy of Pritipur High School in Binjharpur area of Jajpur district.IIC Asit Kumar Mohanty said, "On being informed by headmistress Sushri Sangita Panda, police rushed to the school and started investigation. Though the school authorities had mentioned the online game to be the reason behind the cuts on the boy's hands, preliminary investigation revealed that it was not the case."

The school authorities had claimed that the student, a native of Santipada under Binjharpur block, had been playing the deadly game since the last few days on his father's smart phone. As per the command of the game's admin, the boy had cut his hand 18 times.However, investigation revealed that the boy had cut his hand a month back and not on Wednesday as claimed by the school authorities. Moreover, the victim's classmates said they did not see the boy using a smart phone in the school, the IIC said.

The boy's father also denied that his son was a victim of the online game. "I work in a private hotel and can't afford to use a smart phone. So there is no question of my son playing the game," said the father
Meanwhile, police are also suspecting one-sided love affair behind the incident. "The boy had proposed love to one of his classmates a couple of months back. When the girl rejected his proposal, he had cut his hands," police said.

On Wednesday, the boy allegedly tried to put his bleeding hand on the head of the girl student after the school got over. However, the girl opposed his move and reported the matter to a teacher. The boy was then taken to the office of the headmistress. When queried, the boy said he had been playing the deadly game since the last 20 days on his father's smart phone. As per the command of the admin, he had cut his hand and was trying to apply blood on the girl's head. Despite repeated attempts, the headmistress of the school could not be contacted.