
Skin deep and sensitive!

Sahana Prasad

The hall was bright and cheerful, even enchanting. The resplendent bride ably aided by beauty rituals glowed and the groom was understandably proud. All eyes were on the pair as they smiled and received blessings and wishes. The mother of the groom worked as a top officer in a bank and looked her part every inch. The crook of her neck, the curl of her lips and her gait showed clearly who she was.

 It was also obvious in the way she looked at the couple from time to time and at the arrangements made to collect the gifts. Her husband on the other hand, looked happy and composed as he welcomed his friends and led them to the dais. He seemed quite content to let his wife take the lead learning from past experience, no doubt.

The father of the bride was happy too, though one could sense his sadness on his daughter moving to a new home. He looked at the couple with an amalgam of pride and desperation, more so at his newly acquired son-in-law as if imploring him to be a good person. The mother of the bride tried to look pleased, but it was obvious that she was tense. Was it the new relationship which was bothering her or her new hair-do which was meant to make her look youthful but failed miserably at it? The younger women preened as they moved about gracefully while the older ones looked conscious.

The men calm and composed, reclined comfortably on seats, either relaxing with acquaintances or happy to savor the respite from the verbal attack of their spouses, while their better halves looked strained and a little hassled.The difference in the manner that the men and women came across to an objective onlooker was really stark. Women are by nature mindful of their looks, one might argue.

Were women by nature restless? Or did the dazzling lights make them uncomfortable? Nature intends that she remains like that all through her life.  There was a curious pattern in the steady stream of visitors towards the dais. Almost all the middle and over —  the middle aged men had grey streaks in their hair while their spouses sported jet black hair!

A close inspection revealed grey strands at temples and at places where the roots showed. The most overheard conversations amongst the women present were about latest facials and hair colours. The anti-ageing lotions and creams were discussed in hushed tones and many looked much more than their age due to the pan cake and not-so-subtle hair styles.

 One remembers, though, the noted film actress Shabana Azmi’s words:  “while you are young, nothing is required and when you are old, nothing works”!