
Trump’s paradise lost

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Former US President Franklin Roosevelt hosted Winston Churchill here during World War II. One of the most important peace treaties the world has seen was signed here. But the place is too “rustic” for Donald Trump

‘This is a Shangri-La!’

Camp David, the traditional county retreat of the US president, lies nestled in the Catoctin Mountain Park
of northern Maryland. It has been used by every US president from FDR to Barack Obama

A doctor's idea

The residence was established by FDR, whose doctor suggested that the cool mountain retreat away from the Washington D C heat would be good for his sinuses. On his first trip to the site, Roosevelt exclaimed, “This is a Shangri-La!”, according to a book on the site by W Dale Nelson

Secret peace meet

Camp David has offered presidents an opportunity for tranquility, as well as an ideal place to host foreign leaders, says the White House website. The secret summit held here in 1978 in which Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat and Israeli PM Menachem Begin took part resulted in what are now known as the Camp David Accords. Trump, however, prefers the Mar-a-Lago club in Florida that he owns. But, the club is “not built to the standards that are used to protect” presidents, according to experts