
Women should form a ‘kickback’ brigade

Elizabeth Koshy

Every year, Women’s Day comes and goes on March 8 without much fanfare, probably because there is nothing much to cheer about. 

The plight of women sadly continues as it was in the beginning and ever shall be. Looking back at the past year, women were at the receiving end of both bouquets and cruelties of the highest order.

While the former were just a few, a maximum number of women and girls were made objects of carnal exploitations this year and the numbers will only grow with time. The age or status of the victim or the ‘respectability’ or the lack of it of the aggressor were of no consequence for the commitment of the crime.

I would like to dedicate this Women’s Day to our own ‘Nirbhaya’, the brave south Indian actress who was a victim of the cruelty of her own ex-driver and lived to tell the world that she would not be cowed down by such perverts. Having reported for work within days of her traumatic experience, she showed the world that it is not the victim who has to hide from society but the victimiser.

The lady should be a role model for all women and our society should also grow up to accept the victims and isolate the victimisers.

It is becoming increasingly evident that at a time of crisis, a woman will have only herself for protection. 
In this context, one cannot forget the contribution of the fearless 76-year-old Padmashree Meenakshiamma Gurukkal of Vatakara, a noted Kalaripayattu exponent, who is teaching young girls the art of self defence. Every girl or woman who has mastered the art should teach at least ten more people.

That way potential rapists can be given a run for their money by our ‘kickback’ brigade. Teach them young because male preferences these days are going down the scale of maturity as smaller the prey, the easier the targets. 

One firebrand dubbing artiste suggested ‘bobbitisation’ of such offenders, while some others called for legal castration. These are not practical solutions in a civilised society though the  offenders truly deserve such treatment.

There is nothing much to celebrate this Women’s Day other than the determination and courage of some of our kind who could look the offender in the eye and bring him to book. Wishing all women to acquire this courage and self-confidence to face life.
Happy Women’s Day!