
Building the right team  

CHENNAI : While an idea is the foundation brick, the team is the manpower that builds the house on it. Having a wrong team to do the job could cause an archaeological disaster. You will not be able to scale if you don’t have a good team. But the question that really comes in is — how to build a great team. Today we will talk about it. But just to be clear, today’s article is for the team. 

Identify four major areas of your business
Each business has different core areas. A logistics company might require warehousing and last mile delivery team but a marketplace platform might rely very heavily on tech and UI. So it is important for us to identify which are the core areas of our start-up. 

Identify the right person
The next step is to get the right people for each of these core areas. One important way of identifying the right people for the job is to note that ‘Devil lies in the details’. While interviewing the candidates, drill them down on certain things to granular level. Because the more you zoom in, you will see whether what he declared initially is truth or not. You may hire some employees on probation or else interns for a month and see their performance and then give them their best performing departments to manage. 

Give them reasonable but challenging targets
Good team is always motivated by good challenges. They find a way to reach the top of the mountain by climbing. Make sure your team gets the right challenges to keep them inspired. 

Track the progress and give them feedback
A lot of start-up founders hire good people but are unable to give time to track their performance. As a result, sooner or later, the employees lose their interest. Also they do not come to know if their work is really impacting the organisation or not. A regular feedback mechanism will help them improve and stay on track. And most importantly it will communicate your vision. 

For any queries, write to me on Rajeev@TBSPlanet.com