
When Jews fought back

About 75 years ago, hundreds of young Jews took up arms against Nazi German forces. The Jewish fighters launched their attack on 19 April 1943 after the Nazis began deporting the surviving residents of the Jewish district they had set up after invading Poland

Died fighting Nazis
The insurgents preferred to die fighting instead of in a gas chamber at the Treblinka death camp where the Nazis had already sent more than 3,00,000 Warsaw Jews. And Thursday  paper daffodils filled the streets of the Polish capital to mark 75 years since hundreds of young Jews took up arms against Nazi German forces in the Warsaw ghetto uprising

Daffodils to mark Warsaw ghetto
The most visible symbol for Warsaw residents was the daffodil pins on their clothes, a recent tradition that gains momentum with every year. More than 1,20,000 daffodils were expected to be distributed across the capital alone this year

The selection of the daffodil as symbol is a reference to Marek Edelman, a cardiologist and uprising commander who died in 2009, according to AFP. Because of their colour and form, daffodils also resemble the yellow star Jews were forced to wear by Nazis during the war. During WW II, Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany and ceased to exist as a state. Six million Poles, half of them Jews, were killed

(This was) the first time and the last in the history of the Third Reich that the Jews resisted their Nazi oppressors with arms. Perhaps no one has left a more grisly—and authoritative—account of the Warsaw ghetto rebellion than the proud Nazi officer who put it down. His eloquent official report, bound in leather, profusely illustrated is entitled The Warsaw Ghetto Is No MoreWilliam Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich