
My Prince Charming is slightly acidic

Saumya R Chawla

Yes, I’m aware that a lot has already been written (numerous times) about applying chemicals on my face, but it’s okay, since we all have our little hobbies. I’m also aware that you might want to pull your hair out as you read this, but apparently I’ve somehow STILL been using all the wrong products for my face. Thankfully not as wrong as the time when I was a still a rebellious teen and decided to not listen to my mum when she told me to shampoo my hair first and then condition it. So I did it the other way — my way. Which was also, the wrong way.

Let me also be clear when I tell you this: I’m obviously not a doctor, but I play one on the internet sometimes, and am also a remarkable Google-er of random symptoms on the search for self-diagnosis. Very real, studied-for-a-decade doctors are sometimes impressed by the amount of information I have about diseases which I most definitely do not have. So I obviously did not visit a dermatologist when I suddenly started having intense random breakouts on my face. All I had to do was peek into my computer and consult the WebMD tab which I have open at all times.

I’ve come to terms with the fact that I will die from a common cold, as I have likely become antibiotic-resistant and most certainly have done permanent damage to my joints as a result of taking Isotretinoin not once, twice but a grand total of THREE TIMES in my lifelong quest to great skin. (FYI: a very-real doctor prescribed these to me, so don’t do this at home, kids!)

A dozen deep chemical peels, home-made Chinese medicines, home-made Indian medicines and countless treatments and masks later, I think I finally found my skin-care miracle — Salicylic Acid. Suddenly, all the frogs I kissed on the way became worth it. The Ordinary’s 2% acid essentially changed my skin overnight, and is straight-up the best spot treatment I have ever used. However, like with all acids, it makes skin super sensitive to the sun and a even little dry, so now I’m one of those idiots slathering on sunscreen every few hours like a seal, and spritzing my face with mogra water thrice a day. I love every bit of it. Turns out, I’m actually saving money by not wildly buying everything I see that looks interesting. Also, the constant cherry-picking of products were probably cancelling each other out and not doing my skin any favours. I’ve got my fingers crossed that my face stays this way. This is Dr Saumya R Chawla saying toodaloo, see you next week my pretties!

Saumya R chawla


The writer loves to over-share, drink wine & watch period dramas