
Is holiday money real money?

Saumya R Chawla

If you’re finding yourself as lost and dazed by work at this point as I am; and are counting down minutes until you board your bus/train/plane or however it is that you’re travelling to get your summer break on — you should probably consider that Jupiter is currently in retrograde.  

Jupiter is said to rule freedom, foreign affairs, wisdom and abundance — so it’s essentially a social and happy planet. Unless it’s in retrograde, which means that then, this energy is reflected inward and we’re guided to revaluate our spiritual beliefs, societal ethics and philosophical approach to life.

I’m on vacation, and I feel like my philosophical approach to life is certainly getting warped during this time. My philosophical approach being: If I didn’t bring a suitcase full of new (read as: useless, beautiful) things back home, did I actually even go? Is holiday money real money?? Do I really need a $300 dollar jacket??? Should I be spending so many dollars on *another* bag? Do I really need to buy more things I don’t need with money I don’t have???

Sensible Saums would put a pause on excessive shopping: but Jupiter-Affected-Holiday-Saums has other, more reckless ideas for her bank account. While this is certainly not as harrowing as Mercury being in retrograde: consider this as a guide to the things you should (or not) buy when you’re travelling.
Let me start this column with something my friend bought: a very huge, very fragile, glass horse. No points for guessing what happened mid-transit. Same goes for tacky souvenirs — are you really going to wear a Mexican sombrero to your brunch date? Next time just take a photo, which is not only cheaper; but also doesn’t take any precious room in your suitcase. I’m usually a chronic overpacker, but I made sure to have plenty of free space for this trip.

It’s hard to remember not to spend for the sake of spending when you’re on vacation and here’s what I have learned: it’s MUCH easier to make smarter decisions and sensible investments when you’re at home/ don’t have to leave for the airport in three hours.

Give yourself permission though. Open your suitcase/closet to something that reminds you of an amazing trip. Don’t buy a hundred more black dresses or sweaters on vacation — that’s what everyday shopping is for. If you find a lace cocktail dress in a quaint vintage shop, or a handmade tapestry in a quiet little street in Budapest — give yourself permission: go for it!

They say charity begins at home, so come back and host a cleaning and donation party! Till then, I’ll keep my fingers crossed, credit card away, check dates and wait till Jupiter is out of retrograde again. See you next week, guys!

Saumya R Chawla


The writer loves to over-share, drink wine & watch period dramas