
How Mercury Impacts the Air Signs

Star Speak

Planet Mercury describes the thought processes and projection of view point amongst all the signs. Associated with its natural home i.e. the third house of learning and communication, it is in sync with the general intellectual orientation and expression of one’s thoughts and ideas, along with their approach in life, either as a speedster or a slow pacer. 

Gemini May 21–June 21
GEMINI-Mercury in Gemini makes those under this sign blessed with a logical reasoning of the supreme order, where the person relies more on unbiased understanding rather than personal preferences. With amazing communication skills, they never fail to convince everyone by the rationality of their thoughts and speech. They strive to know minute details about everything, thus end up being jack of all trades and master of none, as they are not an expert in one subject.

The downside of mercury in Gemini is that people are in possession of a sensitive nervous system. When exposed to excessive impression and stress at regular time frames for an extended period, brings with itself stress, making them frazzled and subjected to breakdown. They need to thus move away from such difficult stimulating environment rather than subjecting themselves to mental anxiety. 

Libra September 24–October 23
LIBRA-Like its symbol, presence of mercury makes Libra a well balanced being with a rational and judicial mind. They carry a diplomatic approach to things within them yet are deeply concerned with human relations and their thinking patterns. They are good listeners and have minimal issue in getting along with everyone. Though friendly and broad minded, they are also the torch bearers of justice and balance in life, with a firm stand for whenever their principles are involved.

However, they are not adaptable to changing scenarios as their need to examine any issue in a concrete and deep manner does not let them commit themselves to a thing or being. Also, being unable to handle a conflict in a constructive way, if people in addition are rude to them, they back off themselves, having minimal or no contact at all with them. They thus need to focus completely and concentrate in order to attain a decisiveness, when choosing between two good options.

Aquarius January 21–February 19
AQUARIUS- Presence of mercury in Aquarius produces beings with an abstract mind, which is original yet detached. They have a hyperactive mind with rushing thoughts in fragments, leading to new inventive patterns and ideas that are not only progressive but well ahead of their times. Often labelled as eccentric, Aquarians never fail to shake up the rigorous establishments in their progressive methodology, with a knack to break away the shack of mundane ideologies and rather build a more controversial and revolutionary ideology, being intuitive, they are very fair in nudging people, applauding them for what they know rather than their position or authoritative identity, they carry with them the ideology to rebuild those who have less fortunate lives and bring in social reforms.

Yet at times, despite being witty, they can be stubborn in their opinions and seem cerebral and aloof. They thus need to be less rigid with their opinions as is necessary for them to be within the social circle to bring about their desired reform in it. Their verbal expression and writing act as an aid to this barrier of theirs, paving a ground for more adaptable environment.