
Destroying lives, one nail polish a time

Saumya R Chawla

One of my favourite pre-party tricks (apart from a good nap) includes touching up the chipped edges of my nails so I don’t have to redo an entire manicure. Interestingly enough, another pre-party trick I’m a huge advocate of is getting comfy with a big bottle of gin at home, so your bank account isn’t hating on you too much at the bar when you pay three times what you should for a drink. Tragedy struck when both were happening in my tiny apartment at the same time — when 100 square feet, four people, bottles of alcohol and the heady fumes of nail varnish ensured that at least two things topped over at the same time — this may or may not include people. 

So I learned my lesson: into every life, nail polish must fall. This included my pristine white faux fur throw, wooden flooring (goodbye security deposit?) and never-worn-before Ted Baker dress. Oh Ted, if you only knew how much that hurt. The transition from Party Princess to Stain Removing Queen would have to wait, as I could not possibly start aggressively removing varnish from items when I still had guests over. So I waited…and this may have made the situation worse. Seriously guys, the longer you wait to work on the stains, the harder the entire process becomes. 

Luckily, my dress was made of black synthetic fibre, which made it harder for the acetone to discolour or bleach the fabric, but always check the care label on your clothes, and do a spot test first. If you use acetone on clothes, always remember to launder them immediately. Get a toothbrush, some Q-tips, a Diana Ross Spotify playlist and get cleaning! You could also use hair spray, which is what I tackled my hardwood floors with. You may want to lay off the acetone on wood, which is likely to further destroy your home and leave you with new, worse-looking stains. Let your hair spray sit on the stains for about 20-30 seconds and wipe it off. I assume repeating the above process a few times is preferable to having splotchy furniture. Do yourself a favour and wear rubber gloves, and leave the windows open for ventilation.

If all else fails, take your clothes to the cleaners, and do not invite those sticky topply friends of yours over for drinks again. You could even try pulling off the streaks and splotches of hot pink nail polish as a new look — if Regina George can do it , you can too!