
Mirror people and the new year

Saumya R Chawla

Oh it’s that time of the year again. There is a festive nip in the air, happy, cheery faces looking forward to doing one of those “new year, new me” resolutions and the hungover kind who haven’t quite figured out what day it is between Christmas and New Year. I’m happy to let you know that despite some troubles, I firmly fit in the former category. Let me explain. The plumbing in my apartment for one, gave up on me. Seven days, three plumbers and 150 euros later, I was told that when my upstairs neighbours have their drains blocked, mine get clogged automatically.

That means 16th century plumbing and no water. It was like being on a super intense road trip, or ending up at one of those germ infested festivals where you’d rather have things (read as: bacteria) growing on your face than use any restrooms. Except that it wasn’t a road trip. Or a festival. This was my home, and I had to find a way around it. I’m not entirely suggesting you take a dust bath like a chinchilla with waterless cleansers, but that is a good place to start. Get a balmy make-up remover and a few swipes of micellar water. Replace make-up pads with make-up wipes — they are smaller and result in lesser environmental waste; remember not to scrub too hard to remove the makeup.

Find a friend’s place to shower at and and pray to the plumbing/earth gods to fix your issue sooner than they did mine. I have seen a life without water, and it is a struggle. In true spirit of making my life more complicated than it needs to be, 2019 was yet another year where I actively found ways to further complicate an already complicated skin care routine as my entire world virtually enveloped in chaos and fire. By that I mostly mean that I found a horrifying video of a girl cutting into her beauty blender to reveal a ghastly, mouldy world growing inside it. Sorry to bring back any repressed memories, but that is gross. I’ve said it before and I will say it again: make this a year when you stop being lazy about cleaning your brushes. It doesn’t matter if you take them to the shower with you (no, I’m not jealous of your water disposal system) or clean them right after applying your make-up.

What matters is that you find what fits your schedule and stick to it. Use your sunscreen, stay hydrated and most importantly — it is 2020! Treat your mirror lady how you would want to be treated. Or treat her how you would if she may one day free herself from the mirror world explicitly to find you and kill you in retribution to the verbal abuse you put her through. Be nice to her, be nice to him, be nice to you. Happy 2020!