
Why we should sing in multiple languages

Bindu & Ambi Subramaniam

BENGALURU: We’ve often been asked what language young children should sing in when they are introduced to music. The correct answer, according to us, is as many as possible. Exposure to many different languages has been shown to have many benefits.  Even traditionally, single styles of music have often been multi-lingual. For example, Carnatic music is in Telugu, Sanskrit, Tamil and Kannada, while Western classical music covers Italian, German, French, English. 

We follow the same principles when we teach global music in the classroom. Before students reach Class 1, they learn to sing in ten languages. And by the time they reach middle school, that number is 15 languages.  Here are some of the ways that singing in multiple languages benefit children:

Different languages help build different skills: Each language has its own set of technical challenges and benefits. Learning to pronounce new words in multiple languages engages different parts of the brain, while also teaching you to work with your vocal cords more efficiently. The voice is a versatile instrument that should be challenged, and singing in new languages develops expression. Experts from Trinity College have suggested singing in multiple languages to develop a stronger musical identity. 

When you sing in a new language, you also become better at speaking it: Multiple research studies conducted in music universities showed that participants who learnt to sing in a particular language were able to recall phrases more accurately. They were also able to identify words from these languages correctly in the long term. One reason why this happens is because melody and memory are strongly linked. 

It helps build perspective: When children learn songs in different languages, they’re also introduced to context. Each language takes a different approach to describing details, and when you learn the song, you also learn a little more about the historical and social context behind that song. For example, we introduce our students to an Italian song about immigration. Along with the meanings of the words, we also teach them a about what it means to leave what you consider home and adapt to a new place. These are complex concepts, but presenting them musically, in a new language, helps make it easier to understand. 

It teaches children to enjoy learning: Singing in new languages brings many learning opportunities — from pronunciation to understanding the nuances of the language. It challenges learners in a fun way, and encourages them to keep exploring and discovering new things about the language and the region it’s from. 

As the world continues to become more multi-cultural, it’s important that children grow up learning to appreciate diversity in all forms. And one of the best ways to do it is by introducing music in different 
languages from the around the world as early as possible.