
How banks helped a common man

E Sethuramalingam

Banks often play a significant role in the financial progress of people. In my life too, banks have played a major role. After struggling to make both ends meet in Tamil Nadu, I moved to Kerala in 1988 after landing a job in Kollam. Two years later, I went to a bank, for the first time, with a request for a wet-grinder loan. However, the manager asked me to come back in April. When I went to see him in April, he said, “Loan grants are over, let’s see next year”.

Years later, in 2002, I approached another bank. The manager there had just assumed his charge. I put forth my request for a computer loan. I did not know what impressed him. The man readily sanctioned a loan of `30,000 to me. Soon, I became a proud owner of a Hewlett Packard desktop computer. Subsequently, all my home needs like washing-machine, refrigerator, television and two-wheeler, marched in queue. With the bank’s monetary advances, our life too advanced gradually.

This anecdote can never be complete without me recalling another great moment. Recently, I needed some money for my youngest daughter’s wedding. What instantly came to my mind was the bank that granted me my first loan. This time too, the head of the branch entertained my request readily. On the day of receiving the cheque, I went to the bank with my daughter.

When the gentleman rose from his seat to ceremoniously hand over the instrument, I asked her to fall at his feet and seek his valuable blessings before receiving it. In no time, he took out `500 from his pocket, put it in a cover and gifted it to my daughter saying, “My advance wishes for a happy married life”. Indeed, it was a memorable moment to cherish forever.

Opinions, mostly negative, about banks and their activities are doing rounds among us. In some cases, they are true. At the same time, one must not forget that banks have improved the lives of countless ordinary people who are responsible borrowers. Thanks to banks, my family and I are now leading a dignified life. I will remain grateful to the ones that helped me in critical times.