
It takes years to be an overnight success

Anand G

In 2008, I joined one of India’s big four IT giants as an engineering trainee. While everybody was enquiring about the next corporate title in the ladder, guess what I was doing? I was trying to find out how to become the CEO of the organisation.

A few laughed at me, a few gave me sarcastic looks and the genuine few told me that you need an MBA from a world-class university followed by years of experience in leadership positions. I was not convinced because to me, it was all about the way you think, period.

I went to bed that night imagining that when I wake up, I will be the CEO of the organisation as someone will spot my talent and reward me with the instant recognition I deserve. Crazy, isn’t? Yes, that young chap was as crazy as anyone you know.

A beautiful sunrise followed and when I got out of bed, nothing had changed. I am what I am. The reality hurt but I accepted it gracefully as I understood that it will take its own time. That day I redefined TIME as Temperament, Improvement, Maturity and Experience. I realised that there is no overnight success. Rather,
it takes at least 10 years to be an overnight success. From that day onwards I don’t chase success. Instead I pursue excellence and the journey is even more meaningful. There is no destination, only beautiful milestones.

Today I work as a manager in a French-based bank’s IT division. I have seen many ups and downs. It has been a roller-coaster ride. However, this approach has always helped me to stay grounded and treat both successes and failures the same way.

While success builds your confidence, failure gives you learning. Both are an essential ingredient of a meaningful career. I have shared this piece of advice to those juniors who trust my words and who expect instant gratification in this fast-paced world. And I am glad that they are able to see things the way I do.
In essence, I am not saying don’t think big; I am saying think big, but give it time and develop the essential qualities required to reach your destination. If you are able to do that, then success is yours.

Anand G
Email: kaizen0607@gmail.com