
In graphic detail: PS5 event review

Anusha Ganapathi

BENGALURU: Alright everyone, here you go – the PS5 event review that you were all waiting for. There is a lot of ground to cover, so the next few paragraphs are going to read like a rap song. The event started with PS4 recaps – probably to remind us of the contrasting graphics that the PS5 will offer.

GTA V extended version looks chill, plus PS owners are to get it for free. Safe to say that the only thing that is ‘Wasted’ is the opportunity for having a female lead.

But there’s hope for representation – the set- up for the sequel in game 1 is paid-off in a banging new trailer for Spider-man! Be a hero Miles! Shifting lanes to Gran Turismo – the game play looks so incredibly fluid that even Xbox fan girls cannot play the Forza card to debate driving-sims on the consoles. The event shifts gear to Ratchet and Clank – which looks as inexplicably fun as it always did.

I got a little distracted during Project Athia with its muted music. But yaay, +5 points to PS5 for another exclusive with a female lead. What is the other one you ask? Horizon Forbidden West! The trailer is enthralling, and I cannot wait to play in that environment which is a perfect mix of nature and sci-fi fantasy. And there is a third, and a fourth, and a fifth! – which means women leads have almost exceeded representation of monster/alien character leads. Crediting Solar Ash, Soulstorm and Goodbye Volcano High – with their futuristic vibes, and narrative adventure tracks, respectively.

A new dystopian themed franchise is all set to release – Returnal. The representation station has a lot of passengers – including independent developers! Ember labs’ new game KENA for the PS5 rivals pixar graphics, with a spritely young girl adventuring through mythical lands with her magical spear/staff.
The games continue to look ahead, with Stray – if we like cats, neon lights and the future.

Ghost-wire Tokyo looks like it has maxed out testing the graphical strength of the PS5, and I am looking forward to playing it on max difficulty. Silently slipping in, Stealth King Agent 47 returns with a new title for the PS5. And we have hit the halfway mark on this reveal event rap ballad. The second half has more twists, obviously. More coming your way in part 2 of this article entitled ‘PS: I love It’.

(This economics graduate spends her leisure time preparing for the zombie apocalypse)