Andhra Pradesh

‘Subsidise diesel and LPG’

Express News Service

Endowments minister C Ramachandraiah on Saturday urged chief minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy to subsidise the hike of diesel price and the rate of gas cylinders to relax the additional financial burden on the households.

 “The incremental revenue generation, through taxation on diesel and LPG, needs to be diverted to subsidies,” he said.

 In a letter to the chief minister, he said that the central government’s decision has put a burden on the common man and it is imperative for the state government to reduce the burden by extending subsidy for both the commodities.

 “On an average a family needs 9 cylinders a year. If the state government allows 3 cylinders at the old rate of Rs 400 instead of Rs 750, it will relax a burden of Rs 1050 crore,” he said.