Andhra Pradesh

SC ruling on polls hailed

Express News Service

The High Court quashed the state government’s decision to provide 34 percent reservation to BCs as the total reservation would cross 60 percent, in view of the 50 percent cap on total quota.

The High Court also directed the state government to hold elections to Panchayat Raj bodies as per 2011 census. The State government contended that the 2011 census figures would be available only after March and it was not possible to conduct the elections based on the latest census.

The State government challenged the HC decision in the Supreme Court and the apex court in its interim orders directed the government to conduct elections by providing 34 percent reservation to BCs basing on 2001 census.

Welcoming the SC decision, P Vinay Kumar, who also challenged the HC decision in SC, said a survey conducted in 2006 showed the population of BCs was 43 percent of the total.

Funds Held Up

The term of elected representatives to various local bodies ended in 2011. The one-and-a-half-year delay in conducting the elections resulted in non-release of around `1,700 crore to panchayats and mandals.

“The Central government assured that the dues of `1,700 crore, along with the next year’s funds will be released to the state immediately after the elections,” panchayat raj minister Jana Reddy said.