Andhra Pradesh

BJP borrows TDP line, says Congress hurting Telugus

Express News Service

Congress was instigating the people of the state by making controversial statements with regard to bifurcation for its selfish political gain, the BJP alleged here on Monday.

Speaking to reporters, BJP general secretary P Muralidhar Rao said the Congress, which has no clarity on the Telangana issue, was creating differences among people.

The Congress has been insulting the people of the state for a long time and has done it once again by not honouring the sentiments of the people of Telangana. When AICC general secretary Digvijaya Singh was appointed party incharge in the state, it  became clear that carving of Telangana state would be delayed, he said.

“The Congress was encouraging leaders from Telangana and Seemandhra to provoke the people of their respective regions and create confusion so that state bifurcation could be put on hold,” he remarked. The Congress is forgetting that people have understood its strategy and could not be taken for a ride any more, he said.

Food security

On the proposed Food Security Bill, the BJP senior leader said the Congress-led UPA government was planning to bring the bill through an ordinance which is not only undemocratic but is also an attempt to marginalise Parliament. “Passing an important bill like without discussion is not good. There are a number of loopholes in the Bill, which is need to be corrected,” he said.

“Before implementing it the government should strengthen the Public Distribution System(PDS). Without doing this, successful implementation of the scheme is not possible. Moreover, there is a need to strengthen foodgrain storage facilities in the country. Unless we do this, the scheme is definitely going to fail”, he remarked.

Even Union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar has raised this point, but the Cabinet was not in a mood to listen to him either, he said. The way the government was showing hurry proves that it was meant to gain benefit in the coming general elections. The BJP government was successfully implementing a food security plan in Chhattisgarh and the Centre should study it first, he said.

The BJP will hold nationwide prayer meetings on Tuesday in memory of Uttarakhand victims, he said.