Andhra Pradesh

Mom throws baby to dogs

Express News Service

A woman, upon becoming a mother, did what no other could ever do. Within hours after delivery, she battered her baby girl to death and forced her other daughter, a 12-year-old, to throw it in a garbage dump.

The incident happened in Qadarpura on the outskirts of Siddipet on Sunday morning. Some villagers, who noticed stray dogs and pigs fighting over the remains of the body, immediately alerted the police who rushed to the spot. But by then, the animals had eaten the baby’s head and a hand. During inquiry, the police found only one woman was pregnant in the area and had given birth in the wee hours. She was identified as B Rajavva, a 40-year-old. They knocked on her doors and during questioning, she confessed to her crime. She was taken into custody and sent to a hospital.

Mystery shrouds the disappearance of her son a few years ago. Some villagers alleged she had sold the infant, while some others feared she could have killed it too. Her husband died some time back and she works as a cook.