Andhra Pradesh

EAMCET Counselling Likely from August 23; Both AP, TS Councils Want to Conduct It!

Express News Service

HYDERABAD/NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that admissions to professional colleges in Telangana and Andhra  Pradesh should be completed by this month-end, thus bringing the curtains down on the much-prolonged issue. With this, EAMCET-2014 counselling dates in both the States will in all likelihood be decided in a couple of days.

“We will convene a meeting of the admissions committee and invite Telangana officials to it. It may take place either tomorrow or the day after,” Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Chairman L Venugopal Reddy said soon after the apex court verdict.

According to him,  counselling may begin in Telangana on August 14 and certificate verification would be over by August 23. This means the actual counselling — admission of students to colleges — will begin in both the states only from August 23.

But in an interesting turn of events, the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) said it would conduct counselling for admission of students to engineering colleges in both the states. According to TSCHE Chairman T Papi Reddy, since JNTUH is in Hyderabad (Telangana territory), TSCHE will conduct the counselling. “APSCHE could take part in it. They could nominate three officers to TSCHE for conducting the counselling,” he said. Papi Reddy spelt out the Telangana government stand after conferring with Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao late Monday night. Papi Reddy, however, made it clear that the  Telangana government and his council would abide by the directions of the Supreme Court.

The momentum picked up after the Supreme Court earlier in the day declined to extend time for admissions till October 31 as sought by the Telangana government. On the contentious issues of nativity and fee reimbursement, the apex court said it would not interfere at this stage but clarified that admissions should be in accordance with the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act-2014 and Article 371-D of the Constitution. (see graphic).

The court did not agree with the arguments presented by the Telangana government that it would need more time and observed that students should not suffer because of State division.

EAMCET admissions by month-end

The Supreme Court on Monday refused to extend time till Oct 31 to complete admissions of EAMCET-2014 in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Excerpts from the ruling delivered by a divison bench comprising Justice SJ Mukhopadhyaya and Justice SA Bobde:

* Admissions process should be completed by Aug 31 in accordance with the provisions of the AP Reorganisation Act-2014

* Not inclined to go into the issue of nativity of students at this stage nor the FAST scheme to be introduced in Telangana to benefit State students

* EAMCET admissions should be in accordance with Article 371-D of the Constitution with regard to nativity of students

* Sections 75 & 95 of AP Reorganization Act stipulate common admissions for both states for a period of 10 years in all professional courses; that must be followed

* AP State Council of Higher Education is the competent authority to hold counselling as per Reorganisation Act


The ruling came on an application filed by the TS govt seeking time till Oct 31 for EAMCET admissions. The TS govt had sought time on the ground that it lacked staff to verify certificates and also to decide who is eligible for FAST, a new scheme aimed at providing financial assistance to students from Telangana.