Andhra Pradesh

No privatisation of any kind in power utilities: Andhra Pradesh minister Balineni Srinivasa Reddy

Express News Service

VIJAYAWADA: Energy minister Balineni Srinivasa Reddy has once again assured the power sector employees that there would not be any kind of privatisation in Andhra Pradesh's power utilities. The minister has also assured that complete reimbursement of COVID-19 bills will be provided to the employees who have been working round the clock despite being at the risk of getting infected.

The AP state power employees joint action committee met the minister and the managements of power utilities at the secretariat on Tuesday. The JAC also flagged up various issues related to the power sector, including employees’ apprehensions regarding reduction in pay scales and others.

Following the meeting, the JAC issued a statement in which it said the minister assured that there will not be privatisation "of any kind" in the power utilities. "PRC-2018 which is in force upto March 31, 2022, will be honoured without any modifications in the pay, and pensionary benefits," the minister assured, according to the JAC.