Andhra Pradesh

GMC aims for better rank in Swachh survey

Bandhavi Annam

GUNTUR: GMC officials are leaving no stone unturned to achieve a better rank in Swachh Survekshan this year. After conducting several awareness programmes and regular inspections by GMC Commissioner Kirthi Chekuri, the civic body officials have achieved 100 per cent door-to-door waste collection.

As part of the solid waste management programme, the two major projects, including Jindal waste to energy plant and plastic waste to synthetic fuel plant, have been taken up for effective implementation of plastic waste management. Approximately 1,200 metric tonnes of garbage from major cities, such as Vijayawada and Guntur, and eight municipal towns in Guntur district generate 15MW of electricity.

The corporation uses synthetic fuel, produced from the processing of plastic waste, to run at least 100 vehicles including dumpers, tractors, mini compactors, and autos. In addition to this, as many as 220 e-autos have been allotted to the city for door-to-door waste collection as part of the Clean AP programme. With the collected efforts, the civic body has achieved 7th rank in the State and 108th rank in the country under Swachh Survekshan, 2022. With renewed spirit, the officials have conducted a workshop for all sanitary inspectors and have prepared an action plan for the next year in order to expedite the work. GMC has bagged the first rank in the State in ‘Swachta Ki Do Rang’ national campaign for educating citizens on the importance of segregation of waste.

GMC has partnered with 358 schools in the city to educate students on the importance of segregation, management of wastes, and sanitation so that they can play a significant role in implementing in their homes and educating parents. GMC announced Swachta Awards 2023 to encourage all stakeholders to maintain proper sanitation and cooperate with GMC in attaining a better rank in the survey.