Rare orchid species 'Cymbidium aloifolium'
Rare orchid species 'Cymbidium aloifolium' 
Andhra Pradesh

Rare orchid blooms after two decades at DNCS in Visakhapatnam

Usha Peri

VISHAKAPATNAM: A rare orchid species, Cymbidium aloifolium, has bloomed for the first time in 20 years within the Dolphin Nature Conservation Society's (DNCS) Biodiversity Park located at Rani Chandramani Devi Government Hospital in Visakhapatnam. This botanical treasure, belonging to the Orchidaceae family, is celebrated as a native gem of North East India.

Marine biologist and DNCS co-founder Mantha Ram Murty highlighted the unique attributes of this rare orchid. Epiphytic in nature, with fibrous roots and sympodial growth, it features elongated, thick, and leathery leaves. Its pendulous raceme inflorescence, boasting 75 to 100 flowers, adds to its ornamental charm, while its medicinal properties and use in floral arrangements enhance its significance.

Marine biologist and DNCS co-founder Mantha Ram Murty

Cymbidium is an economically important genus in the orchid family (Orchidaceae) that has a pronounced medicinal and ornamental value. Medicinally, the plant is employed as a tonic to treat weakness in chronic diseases, dizziness, eye problems, burns, and wounds, etc.

Established on March 5, 2001, the Biodiversity Park nestled within the hospital premises has flourished into a diverse botanical sanctuary. It showcases over 2,000 plant species, 60 bird varieties, and 105 butterfly species across its three-acre expanse. Replicating various ecosystems, from forests to ponds and deserts, the park provides visitors with a glimpse into the region's biodiversity.

Noteworthy are the park's conservation efforts, which harbour over 300 rare and endangered plant species. Comprising ten curated sections, including medicinal orchids, carnivorous plants, and relics from the Jurassic era, the park serves as a haven for diverse flora, reflecting DNCS's commitment to conservation.