
Train derailment: Signalman saved all passengers, died

Rajan Samuel Hirekop

 A signalman saved the lives of hundreds of people travelling on the Hubli-Miraj passenger that derailed in Belgaum on Monday.

 Unfortunately, he lost his life in the process and his body was found under an overbridge near the accident spot on Tuesday.

 Even after knowing that he would be killed, Hemant Parushram Tukkannavar stood near the track to grab the attention of the driver to alert him of the danger lying ahead.

 He was hit by the train and killed.

 Sources in the Railway Department told Express that Tukkannavar, a railway track signalman, after noticing that the earth had caved in below the track near Karikatti village between Suldhal and Sulebhavi railway stations, ran towards the train and waved his hands to alert the driver.

 Though the driver noticed him and reduced the speed of the train, the engine hit Tukkannavar and threw him 50 feet away, below an overbridge.

 As rescue teams were busy at the mishap site, no one noticed Tukkannavar’s body lying below the overbridge till Tuesday morning.

 Tukkannavar was the only breadwinner of his family.

 He is survived by his wife and two daughters.

 Union MoS for Railways K H Muniyappa has announced a compensation of Rs 5 lakh and a job to Tukkannavar’s kin.