
Minister Campaigns in Autorickshwas

Express News Service

Ten autorickshaw drivers rose to the challenge of ferrying around Forest and District Minister B Ramanatha Rai in their vehicles here on Saturday.

The occasion: launch of an election campaign targeting autorickshaw drivers of the city.

Rai first took an auto from the district Congress office to autorickshaw park near RTO office.

Here he launched the campaign and engaged another auto to reach autorickshaw parks in State Bank, Rao and Rao Circle, Lady Goshen, Milagres, Vishwabhavan, Lady Hill, Urva Store and other areas.

Rai informed auto drivers that the Congress was planning to help every auto driver realise his dream of becoming the owner of an autorickshaw.

 "Auto drivers are hard workers and they come under labour class," he said.

The government would bear 90 per cent of cost on purchasing an auto through the scheme- ‘Autorickshaw driver is the owner of his vehicle,’ he said.