
Angry Parents Give K'taka Top Cop a Hard Day at Work

Express News Service

BANGALORE: City Police Commissioner(CP) Raghavendra Auradkar on Saturday had a taste of the mounting anger among the city folks in the wake of the repeated incidents of rape here as thousands of protesters gathered at Kundanahalli gate near Vibgyor school, where a little girl was allegedly raped on Tuesday.

And the protesters, who were clad in black as a mark of protest, took out a march till the grounds located behind HAL police station. Also, they demanded concrete answers from the Commissioner about the rape incident.

The protesters reached the venue armed with placards bearing slogans like ‘Save girl children’, ‘Hang the rapists’, ‘Change the law’ and ‘Stop the shame now’. Anuradha, a protester, said the incident had shocked  her and she was now constantly worried about her daughter, who studied in the same school.

“My daughter studies there and on what guarantee can I send her to the same school again? Schools, where our children should be taught and values imbibed, have become an unsafe place now,” she said. Raju, another parent, fumed at the functioning of the police force, stating,”The Commissioner could not even give a convincing answer. How many days will the police need to arrest the culprits?”

When Auradkar reached the protest venue, he was greeted by slogans against the police, who were accused of callousness following the failure to nab the duo accused of raping the child.

Even though the Commissioner said that the Police Department was taking all necessary action and the investigation was on, the crowd refused to pay heed to him.

Auradkar then decided to leave the area abruptly, which made the crowds boo him and shout slogans like “shame on you”.