
Auto Drivers Target Minor in Mysore

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MYSORE: Two autorickshaw drivers allegedly attempted to rape a 14-year-old girl on the pretext of dropping her to her uncle’s residence here on Thursday afternoon.

Gangadhar of K M Halli in Mysore taluk and Mahadev of Akki Chowka in Mysore city have been arrested in this connection, police said.

The duo picked up the girl from the city bus stand in an autorickshaw and took her to an isolated place near Lalithadripura atop the Chamundi Hill and attempted to rape her,  police said.

The girl, a resident of Banashankari in Bangalore, had boarded a Mysore-bound train from Bangalore on Thursday after quarrelling with her parents. From Mysore Railway Station, she reached the city bus stand. The accused had kept an eye on people there and taking advantage of the fact that the girl had no money, they promised to drop her at her uncle’s house at Devayyanahundi for free. The girl was taken to Balamuri and Srirangapatna where the duo consumed liquor and gave her biryani. They then took her towards Mysore stating that they would drop her at her uncle’s house and attempted to rape her. The girl managed to escape and took shelter at a nearby house and lodged a complaint at the Mysore South police Station on Friday,  police said.

SP Abhinav Khare told Express that one of the accused was arrested immediately based on the clues given by the victim and the search is on for the other. “We have registered a case of rape and sexual assault against the accused. We will frame the charges after the medical examination of the victim,” he said.  ENS