
No extra trains between Mysuru and Bengaluru after track doubling, say Railways

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MYSURU: Are you expecting more trains between Mysuru and Bengaluru with the completion of doubling of railway tracks? If your answer is yes, then you will be disappointed. The Railways on Tuesday categorically stated that no more extra trains can be run between the two cities after the completion of doubling of track as Mysuru railway station is unable to handle present traffic itself.

In reply to a question raised by Chamaraja MLA Vasu at the Divisional Railway Users Consultative Committee meeting on Tuesday, DRM Atul Gupta said Mysuru junction is having six lanes with platforms, but is insufficient to handle the present traffic.

“It is a fact that Mysuru is heavily congested. There is no scope for any expansion of the yard since the station is surrounded by built-up area and no further land can be acquired.” 

He said in order to reduce the congestion at Mysuru, several options like developing terminal yards at Belagola and Ashokapuram were tried. However, as there is not enough land available and also no scope for land acquisition at these places, it is proposed to develop a Satellite Terminal at Kadakola with facilities like six running lines of 750 meters CSR at a cost of Rs 63.45 crore.