
Job aspirants receive fake joining letters

Mallikarjun Hiremath

DHARWAD: Job aspirants are being deceived by fraudsters in one or the other way. In a hurry to get jobs, many educated youth are falling prey to such wicked forces. A similar incident has come  to light in Dharwad city.

A couple of days back, some youth here have received fake joining letters from the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP).

An attachment with the letter asks the candidates to deposit `25,000 to get training certificates. When one of the recipient tried to verify the authenticity of the document, it was found to be bogus. (Express has these documents in its possession).

It is heard that a few job aspirants have paid the amount, but are scared to come forward openly.
It is said that the documents were dispatched from the address “Directorate and Manpower and Recruitment, ITPB, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir”. In one of the documents, a mobile number was mentioned and the job aspirants were asked to call  the number to get the account number to deposit the amount.

When a job aspirant contracted this number, the person who attended the call refused to give the account number, instead told the caller that they would inform the bank staff directly and asked him (job aspirant) to call the latter after reaching the bank.
Anand Dhoopadal, brother of a job aspirant, said his brother had applied for driver post in ITBP online in 2015, but he did not get any reply for months. On Wednesday, he received some documents and was very happy.

“We called to the number mentioned in the letter and asked for the account number. But the reply of the person on the other side was not satisfactory. When we enquired about the documents, it was found to be bogus,” he said.

Another job aspirant said the fraudsters might have hacked the list of the job aspirants as only those who had applied for job in 2015 have received such letters.
Anand is planning to register a complaint after taking legal advice. “I have decided to save other job aspirants from falling prey to such fraud,” he said.