
Ragpicker attempts to kill friend over Rs 10

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KALABURAGI: A ragpicker attempted to kill his friend over a matter of only D10 in Kalaburagi on Sunday evening. Police inspector of Ashok Nagar Police Station James Minejis told  Express that two ragpickers Pintya, son of Mallikarjun and a resident of Hesargundgi, and Krishna had drinks on Sunday evening and Krishna asked Pintya to give him D10 to purchase a beedi (a type of cheap cigarette made of unprocessed tobacco wrapped in leaves). 

Pintya refused to give the amount. Due to this, Pintya and Krishna quarrelled and in fit of anger Krishna threw a boulder on Pintya and later ran away thinking that Pintya was dead.Some people reported the matter to Ashok Nagar Police Station. Police admitted Pintya to government hospital in unconscious state. 
James said Pintya regained his senses on Monday afternoon and gave statement in this connection. But his condition still remains serious, James said. 

Police are looking for Krishna, he added.