
Karti Chidambaram treated for chest pain at Virajpet

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MADIKERI: Businessman K arti C hidambaram , who was visiting his estate in Pollibetta in Kodagu, reportedly experienced chest pain on Saturday morning and was treated in a nursing home in Virajpet . After treatment he returned to Chennai. Karti, son of former Union minister P Chidambaram, is facing corruption charges in the Aircel-Maxis deal.

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Karti had come to his coffee estate in Pollibetta two days back. According to sources, he experienced giddiness and was rushed to the nursing home. Cariappa, a doctor in the nursing home told Express that Karti was treated for tiredness and given preliminary treatment.

Meanwhile, the Congress came out in support of the father-son duo and accused the BJP government of carrying out a “repeated persecution and scurrilous witch-hunt” of the family.

In April this year, o fficials of income tax (I - T) department conducted raids on offices of the SLN Group of Kushalnagar in Kodagu district. The group is owned by Vishwanathan and Sathappan, children of Chidambaram’s sister.