
Karnataka Education Dept mulls going paperless

Pearl Maria D'souza

BENGALURU: With the Education Department deciding to go paperless, files on the conduct of employees and the long wait for leave encashment may soon become a thing of the past, claim department officials. Software to enable this, has been put in place and it will provide 12 online facilities for about three lakh employees of the Primary and Secondary Education Department by the end of August, said senior officials from the department. Currently, they are testing the software and it will be fully functional soon. With the new software, employees can now apply for leave, NOC for passport application and foreign trip applications among others.

“This is effective especially for teachers and group D staff in the department, most of who are in rural areas and at the mercy of local district and block officials. With the new system in place, they will no longer be expected to make payments to encash their leaves,” said a source from the department.
The system is time-bound, and will reduce the amount of tedious paperwork, said top officials. They pointed out to the lack of computers and internet connection in some schools being a drawback.
“This software will soon be developed and released as an app to keep up with the extensive use of internet on cell phones,” said sources.

The system will collate the data of all employees of the department and store it on a secure server that rests with the state government. Not only does it make things transparent but it also holds people accountable.