
Disrespecting Nehru, Gandhi is shameful: Ramanath Rai

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MANGALURU:  Those disrespecting great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru who sacrificed their lives to free our country from the British must be ashamed of themselves, said senior Congress leader B Ramanath Rai on Monday.

Addressing media persons after observing former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s death anniversary, Rai said: “When India attained freedom, Jawaharlal Nehru had a responsibility to develop the country on par with other developed countries.

It was his vision that led to the strengthening of the economy. But those who joined hands with the British and cheated India disrespect him today,” he said, adding that Nehru’s next generation too sacrificed their lives for this country who are now being insulted. He was referring to recent statements of several BJP leaders who hailed Nathuram Godse as a patriot and also called former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi corrupt.

“Jawaharlal Nehru had said if minorities turn communal, it is unsafe for the community, but if majority becomes communal, then it is not safe for the country. Today, the country is under majority and it should keep distance from communalism” he added.