
Family of missing techie plans Twitter campaign

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BENGALURU: It has been close to three years that techie Kumar Ajitabh went missing under mysterious circumstances, but the CBI, which is probing the case, appears to be clueless. Desperate, his family and friends are now launching an online campaign demanding justice in the case. Ajitabh’s sister Pragya said it has been 21 months since the Karnataka High court referred his case to the CBI. “Law and order in our country seems crippled.

A young, law-abiding, tax-paying citizen vanishes into thin air, and the country’s best investigative agencies can make no headway? None are talking about a talented young man with potential, the traumatised family and the failure of the agencies,” she lamented.

Accordingly, the online campaign has been planned on Twitter this Sunday between 11 am and 1 pm. “We aim to raise our voice by questioning and demanding justice for Ajitabh. It will be kind if people tweet and retweet, to help us be heard,” she appealed.