
Amit Shah puts onus of ensuring party peace on CM Yediyurappa

Anusha Ravi

BENGALURU: “You have been given a free hand in governance. Ensure that you take the party along and address concerns that have been raised,” Union Home Minister Amit Shah advised Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa as his two-day visit to the state concluded on Sunday. 

Shah, who visited the state at a time when the recent cabinet expansion had led to an unprecedented public display of anger from BJP MLAs, has put the onus of ensuring peace and harmony between the party and the government on Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa. 

Sources in the BJP said that while Shah asked state-unit senior leaders to ensure dissent is not voiced in public and to reign in antics of open criticisms, it was on Yediyurappa that he put the onus of sorting issues marring the image of the party. 

In closed doors meetings over the weekend, Shah was appraised of both the public accusations and criticisms against Yediyurappa as well as concerns raised by MLAs over allegations of discrepancies in fund allocation, corruption, interference in governance, lack of accessibility to the CMO and choice of postings, including those of boards and corporations. 

“Apart from the cabinet picks, a range of issues were brought to the attention of the Home Minister. The crux of the matter is that the Chief Minister has been asked to resolve these concerns and lend an ear to the party and its MLAs,” said a party source.  One among the many “disappointed” leaders of the BJP, who is keen to be part of a representation to New Delhi to put forth his contention before the top brass, said whatever issues, henceforth, will only be discussed within the party. 

“We will give it a week and watch how things unfurl. We intend to ensure our party gives good governance till this term ends and returns to power for the next. All we ask is for the Chief Minister to consider our concerns and address them,” the disgruntled MLA said. While Yediyurappa was allowed to have his say in cabinet picks, the party is keen on him resolving the issues arising out of his decision as well, especially at a time the senior most leaders of the party are invested in the upcoming key elections in West Bengal and Tamil Nadu.