
RTPCR tests see significant drop in past week

Chetana Belagere

BENGALURU: With the vaccination drive starting in the state, the number of RTPCR tests being carried out for Covid-19 has reduced significantly. While experts from the State’s Covid-19 Task Force are not aware of the reason behind a drop in the number of tests, they feel that the numbers should not have declined.According to the Health Department’s bulletin, on January 13, 1,06,592 RTPCR tests were carried out, but on January 17, the number dropped to 66,442.

Meanwhile, experts say the state should increase the number of daily tests, instead of reducing them. According to them, this will lead to an increasing number of undetected cases. “We will have to continue testing well. It is very important to know how the pandemic is turning in Karnataka. Also, it will help put public health measures in place and take up measures to reduce mortality or infections in the area,” explained senior epidemiologist Dr Giridhara Babu, also member of the Covid Advisory Committee.

Interestingly, the members of the task force themselves were not aware of the reduction in the testing number. While many experts on the committee refrained from speaking on record about the reduction in testing numbers, a senior doctor, who is part of the committee, said, “There was no instruction at the task committee meeting about reducing the number of tests. We have not reached there yet. We have also been told to conduct more RTPCR tests. That has been advised by the Covid committee. I am not aware of the reason.” 

It can be seen that Rapid Antigen Tests have also been increased on some of the days. For instance, on Saturday and Sunday, the RAT have been 10,716 and 8,751, respectively. Officials claim it could also be due to health officials getting busy with the vaccine rollout preparations, the weekend and a festival between. “It could be because there was a festival and also vaccine preparations. However, we will look into it,” said a member of the Covid-19 Task Force Committee.

DATE     RAT    RTPCR          
Jan 13    6,293     1,06,592                
Jan 14     1,623     1,04,632                
Jan 15     1,018     83,831                
Jan 16     10,716     84,300                
Jan 17     8,751     89,728                
Jan 18     2,823     66,442